When I heard Damian Gascoigne was are next guest lecturer I did a little research to see what work he did and really like his handcrafted sketchy style although it looks easy to do it is actually difficult to get it looking good and loved the 3-D he took into his style and think it looks cool.
During the lecture it was obvious he was very passionate and funny he was easy and enjoyable to listen to it was a very confident lecture and I think gave students confidents as it did me. The atmosphere was very relaxed and I think everyone enjoyed it.
The lecture itself wasnt just about talking about himself and his work it seemed in some parts like a fun lesson he would often give helpfull advice about working methods and creative ways. He talked about influences he has in every day life going on around us all, things that we notice but take for granted such as paticular situations, facial expressions on peoples faces. I really liked his working method he made it so enjoyable to listen to he gave us some really nice advice about getting into the habit of creating snooping around, doodling snapping and collecting. Obviously he is very passionate about his work and discussed very openly about characters he creates influenced from real people like his students, women he obsessed about general people he sees in the streets and situations he sees I also liked the way he had kind of an obsession with posture and described how generic pictures of people are always well postured and straight backs but in the real world we arent like that at all.
His view on 3-D didnt seem to be convincing he obviously preferred 2-D but he said the more like 2-D he could get his 3-D animation the more he seemed to warm to it his latest piece of animation "muso soup" is a prime example of him trying to get away from generic 3-D where everything looks real his his 3-D characters look very handcrafted and look very good. He was very passionate about design and creativeness and told us how much he dislikes generic 3-D design.
His view on 3-D didnt seem to be convincing he obviously preferred 2-D but he said the more like 2-D he could get his 3-D animation the more he seemed to warm to it his latest piece of animation "muso soup" is a prime example of him trying to get away from generic 3-D where everything looks real his his 3-D characters look very handcrafted and look very good. He was very passionate about design and creativeness and told us how much he dislikes generic 3-D design.
A character from his new animation.. as you can tell although it is 3-D it keeps the style, shading and amount of colors as in 2-D work and works really well creating his own style and I think is very pleasing on the eye

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